We all know that a staircase occupies an essential space in your home. In the homes with an open layout, you need to make sure that the staircase you add is designed beautifully. The staircase is a straightforward connection between two floors.
The homes with high ceilings have a long staircase to go to another floor. This consumes a lot of space at your homes. In order to add a staircase in your home, you need to keep safety as well as creativity in mind.
This is because the staircase holds a prominent position in your house and is used by your family members now and then. So, if you want to build a new staircase or want to renovate the existing one, you should keep the size of it in mind.
The layout, size, and material used in the staircase matters the most giving it strength to stand for a long time. You should properly ensure the building equipment so that it follows the building regulations.
So, if you want to add a landing in the existing staircase, then this article is for your landing is mostly used in the basement of your house, on deck, and on tall staircases to give them support.
Here, in this article, you will get a complete guide to add a landing in an existing staircase and what precautions you should use while adding landing.
But, before getting into the steps to add landing in the existing staircase, we should first discuss the reasons behind adding landing to the staircase.
Reasons why you should add landings to your stairs
The landing is considered to be the area of a floor near the step of the staircase at your homes. Every designer adds a landing equal to the length and width of the stairs.
They are common in designing and constructing the staircases. Usually, these landings have been added where the direction of stair changes that will be between the flights of stairs or at the top. Here are several reasons why you should add a landing to your staircase. They are:
- When the staircase is placed in exteriors or interiors, then you can place the landings on the flights.
- The landings provide the people safety who use the staircase daily at the homes or any other place.
- The landings will provide support to the staircase build in a curved shape.
- You can add landings at the starting point of the staircase where the flight started. This would help older people to climb stairs easily.
- The staircases with straight run should have landings that protect people from slipping from the stairs.
- It provides support and rest to the people climbing stairs
So, these are some reasons why you should have landings for your staircase. The landings are made in the same direction of the staircase. So, let us get started with the building of the landings for the staircase.
How can you build landing on the existing staircase?
Step 1: You need to remove any wall sheathing that is attached to your existing staircase. This would help you to evaluate the support system. Once you are done with the removal of sheathing, then you need to mark the stringers at the bottom of the last rising stair. The stairs that do not have any frame to support it would need support to hold the structure of the staircase.
Step 2: Moving forward, you need to remove the stair risers from top of the stairs and below the cut points of the stairs. With the help of a level, draw a vertical and horizontal line and cut stringers with a circular saw. We will make the use of cut off stringers a bit later.
Step 3: In order to build a landing, you need to raise the landing frame up to the bottom of stringers and give support to it by building a wall to its side. You can easily connect that support wall with the staircase landing frame with the use of screws. You can also fasten the floor by connecting the landing frame to stair stringers with plates. You can also replace the risers placed at the top of the staircase with landing.
Step 4: Once this will be done, after some time, place plywood at the 3/4th portion of the staircase to give support to landings. You can get plywood sheets at various thickness and sizes at cutmyplastic.co.uk.
So these are some steps that you can follow in order to add landing to your existing staircase.
The stairs are considered to be the focal point of your house. When they are designed properly, then you may want to show it off. Adding a landing in the staircase is not a difficult part.
You need to take care of all the parts of the existing stairs so that they don’t get broken. Some people placed the stairs at the main entrance of their house while some prefer to place it inside the house with some distance.
It is a rule in international building laws that the flight of the stair would not be longer than 151 inches between two floors. While building the landing for the staircase, the first thing that needs to be determined is the size of it.
When you measure the total rise of your staircase, then you will be able to create a landing with ease. Placing the stairs in the right place in your house is essential. If the stairs will be placed at the front end of your entrance, then it would create a way to escape in emergencies.
In order to build landings, you just need to focus on the design and size of the existing staircase. We hope that this article will give you sufficient information to build a landing in the existing staircase.