Top 10 Protective Measures We Should Take Against Coronavirus

Top 10 Protective Measures We Should Take Against Coronavirus

COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China. In most cases, infected people report light to moderate respiratory illness symptoms and will recover without requiring targeted treatments.

Nevertheless, the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop severe diseases if they get sick.

At the time of writing this article, there are no effective vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. Though researchers are actively developing vaccines across the world, it’s better to stay safe by following government and CDC policies. Read on for some preventive measures you can take to help protect your family and yourself from COVID-19.

How is Coronavirus Transmitted?

The coronavirus mainly spreads through person to person contact. When a sick person coughs or sneezes. They can spray droplets containing the virus as far as 6 feet away. If you are close to them, you might breathe or swallow them, the virus gets into your body and makes you sick.

Sometimes people who carry the virus don’t show light or no symptoms, but you can still be affected by them. The virus also spreads when people touch or come in contact with a surface or object on which the virus exists, then when they touch their mouth, nose, or eyes it infects you.

Learn to avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily. Coronavirus can last for several hours on different types of surfaces. The CDC’s data states that on Copper, it can live for 4 hours, on cardboard up to one day, and on plastic or stainless steel surfaces, it can last for 2 to 3 days. The CDC recommends using disinfectants to get rid of the virus.

How Dangerous is COVID-19?

Although most symptoms of the virus are light, the real danger is in how fast it spreads and affects people. Physical contact is the leading cause of its spread, so avoid public gatherings and social events. In extreme cases, the CDC reports that the virus can cause pneumonia, respiratory failure, septic shock, and then death in sick people.

Most of the COVID-19 complications are caused by cytokine release syndrome or a cytokine storm. An infection causes your immune system to flood your blood with inflammatory proteins called cytokines. They can kill tissue and damage your organs.

Top 10 Protective Measures Against Coronavirus

1. Wash your Hands

The CDC recommends washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds or more. This is the most effective way to prevent the Corona virus. If soap and water aren’t available to wash with, consider getting a hand sanitizer with at least 60% of alcohol content.

2. Practice Social distancing

Maintain at least 6 feet distance from other people and avoid crowded places. Don’t go near people who show symptoms. Even if a sick person sneezes or coughs, the infected droplets do not travel further than six feet. Avoid travel to hotspots. CDC advises not to step out of your home unless absolutely necessary.

3. Wear a mask

The CDC and WHO recommend wearing a mask in public. It is one of the best ways of prevention. Even a light cloth mask can protect you. Masks are not only for people who are sick, it can prevent infections in healthy people too.

The mask must close your mouth and cover your nose completely. Remember that even if you wear a mask you should follow social distancing. Don’t get too close to people, and stay at least 6 feet away from people.

4. Avoid touching your face

The CDC’s data states that the virus can last on surfaces of all types for at least 6 hours. If your hands make contact with such surfaces and then touch your face, the virus can enter your body and infect you.

5. Clean and disinfect

Regularly clean and disinfect your home and frequently touch objects like handles, doorknobs, and even your smartphone using disinfectant sprays or wipes. If you must go out, don’t travel to areas with a high number of cases. Wash or soak your clothes immediately after returning home.

6. Practice respiratory hygiene

Close your mouth and nose by bending your elbow or use a tissue, if available to cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately since it can spread the virus. Remember to wash your hands after. Help educate your family members on this.

7. Eat healthy

Eat a healthy diet daily with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water. The CDC encourages keeping your immune system healthy. So that should you be infected by the virus, you can make a full recovery with no complications.

8. Avoid smoking

Coronavirus mainly affects the lungs and people who smoke are at higher risk of developing complications. Avoid smoking and other activities that harm your lungs.

9. Seek medical advice early

If you or your loved ones are showing even light symptoms of COVID-19, contact the nearest hospital and get them tested at the earliest. Don’t travel anywhere if you show symptoms. Practice self-isolation until your test results arrive.

10. Stay informed

Follow the updates released by your government and healthcare authorities. Listen to their advice on staying safe and protecting others from COVID 19. Encourage other people to do the same.

Boosting the immune system against covid 19

The immune system protects your body as a shield against microorganisms that comes inside our body. It actively defenses all the pathogens and covers us from several infectious diseases. The immune system is a combination of white blood cells, proteins, and antibodies. It should be a balance of all three that enhance a completed boosting of the system.

Ways to increase the immunity

1. Aerobics

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans put up that per week 150-300 minutes should be spent on moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity. This helps in relaxing the muscles and mind and makes us feel fresh.

2. Indoor activities

Switch on some sounds and walk, jump and run around the house for 10-15 minutes 2 or 3 times per day. Dance to your favorite music, do an exercise video.

3. Outdoor activities

Since a pandemic period, it is a high-risk factor to move out of the home. So spend some time with nature, gardening active games with your family member is encouraged. This not relax your mind but also physically it helps you out to boost the immune system.

Expose your self to the sun for sometimes which enriches the vitamin D source in your body. Have a  visit to the parks that are close to your home, take some precautious steps before you visit, maintain social distancing at least 6 feet away from others.and wash your hands when you get home.

4. Muscle strength training

Online gym classes are available or download the workout video to do some cardio workout 10-Minutes of everyday workout strengthen your body parts  Some exercise like  Squats or sit-to-stands from a sturdy chair, Push-ups at the odds with the wall, the kitchen counter, or the floor. Feel productive after just one show!

5. Yoga

Yoga fusion of mediation and breathing helps to regenerate the whole body and reduce anxiety and Stress.

6. Stress level

Managing the stress level is an important part of boosting your immune system. Listen to the music. Since a pandemic period, some people won’t be able to hangout it increases the stress level. To manage that meditate, have a small nap, and do something


Although most countries are easing restrictions and allowing normal life to return, this doesn’t mean that the virus is gone. We must still be careful because the virus spreads from person-to-person.

Avoid social events, unless you work in essential industries like healthcare, law enforcement, or utilities, we advise you to stay home and only go out if absolutely necessary. Don’t stand too close to other people and practice social distancing. Since there is no specific cure for COVID-19 at present, the best way to protect yourself is prevention.

If you live in a high-risk area, consider getting groceries delivered so you don’t have to step out daily. If we all play our part in taking measures to control the spread of coronavirus, we can bring the pandemic under control and go back to our normal lives soon. So, until then stay safe!

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