Every year, during the winter, many families have to deal with the increase in the costs of gas bills which, at times, if not given the due attention, can rise to over thousands of rupees per month.
According to the latest data, it has been found that in India, taking an average, it is possible to consume up to 170 kWh / m2 more per year. Someone therefore, to avoid this, chooses not to use the heating, in order not to pay similar figures.
But between living in a house that is too hot or in a freezing one, there is a middle ground that can be obtained by following a few tricks, which will allow you to have an adequate climate without excessive costs.
But how to do it? Below you will find some strategies and little tricks, which will allow you to save a lot on your gas bill.
Temperature and radiators
Did you know that living and sleeping in a closed environment at a temperature above 20 ° C is not good for your health? Therefore, the first thing to do is to set the boiler to that degree or a little less, making sure that it is switched on only during the day.
Those who have an autonomous system, can program the ignition at dawn through the thermostat, so as to have the house warm even as soon as they wake up. Furthermore, lowering the temperature by a few degrees can save up to 8% on your bill.
The ideal heating system is precisely the autonomous one, that is, equipped with a control panel with which it is possible to manage in total independence not only the gradation, but also the time in which to operate it.
Some new generation boilers are equipped with advanced technology, which is able to identify the habits of the tenants and regulate themselves accordingly, while others can be controlled via smartphone wherever you are.
However, not all apartments are equipped with them, especially the older ones still run by condominiums, in which there are monthly installments to be paid, often calculated on a hypothetical consumption, and greater than the real one.
Fortunately, however, a law has come into force a few years ago that obliges the use of heat meters and thermostatic valves on every radiator in the house, with which it is possible to monitor the actual use to the thousandth, which can be viewed on the display. Check out this website to know everything about radiators.
Finally, remember never to cover the radiators, to ensure that they can heat the house as best as possible, and to leave the appliances off in the rooms where you stay less, or in those that have a better exposure to sunlight and are less humid.
To heat your room, you can also opt for a portable room heater. One such heating device is Ecoheat. It comes with an oscillating fan and an adjustable thermostat. Equipped with ceramic heating elements, this plug & play heater is capable of heating a room in less than 10 minutes. To know more about the usefulness of this device, read this blog here.
Energy efficiency
The energy efficiency of an apartment is not only measured by the type of appliances in the house, or by the model of boiler installed, but also by numerous other factors.
The energy class is also assessed based on exposure: those who live in the city center, or in places where the sun’s rays can penetrate the rooms for a few hours a day, are more likely to have a higher humidity rate than to those who live in a sunnier place.
In addition, to ensure that there is less heat loss from the radiators, you should have a well-insulated house, with insulated walls and windows with double glazing. You should also consider electric radiators from Kitchen Home as they can help you with saving energy. However, it is not always possible to face a large expense for the modification of an apartment, even if this can lead to an improvement in energy efficiency.
For this reason, our suggestion is to avoid waste of heat as much as possible: it is a good rule to keep the doors of the rooms that are not used closed, and to re-circulate the air by opening all the shutters for a few minutes during the most hours, so that the whole house doesn’t cool for too long.
Finally, protect yourself from drafts: where possible, use gaskets to glue to windows, or draft excluders to be placed in front of the entrance door, window sills or balcony openings. You could even consider upgrading your existing fixtures to efficient windows and doors, which can significantly improve insulation and help reduce energy costs over time.
For a smooth installation process that guarantees energy efficiency, you can reach out to exterior door installers who can ensure your new doors are fitted properly, minimising drafts and maximising insulation. Investing in professionally installed doors and windows can make a substantial difference in maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home.
Heating system and supplier
Another suggestion we could give you is to opt for the replacement of the old device, especially when it is more than ten years old as its efficiency will likely be much lower than when it was purchased.
If you encounter issues with your main heating system, an electric space heater can be used to heat specific rooms and workspaces. They can be used when your main heating system isn’t working, or to supplement your central heating.
Considering that the cost for a new boiler is not exactly negligible, we recommend that you remember to carry out the maintenance required by law every year, to ensure that this lasts as long as possible.
Finally, it is preferable to always keep an eye on all the indications relating to consumption on the bill and, if these should be too high or unjustified, it is good to consult the list of gas suppliers in your city and, possibly, think about passing to another cheaper manager.
During the winter season, the operating costs of home heating grow exorbitantly. How can you save something on your monthly bills? The tips mentioned above will come in handy.