Reasons to Teach Robotic in School

Technology is a very important aspect for innovation but surprisingly, learning institutions are struggling to get students interested in it.

Among other methods, introducing robotics in learning institutions could be a good way of luring students’ interest. A robot can be described as a mechanical device that can be programmed to follow a specific set of instructions. The study of robots can therefore be called robotics.

Why should be thought in schools? Well there is a sufficient evidence that most students respond to subjects that involve programming of robots. Modern technology enables availability of resources to make this subject a success.

1.It is fun.

Robotics is an engaging subject that when introduced, it would bring so much fun to students. For younger students, a teacher can ask them to build a robot from a set of Lego and then engaging them in a race to find out which robot runs fastest, that sounds so much fun right?

2.The best way to introduce Programming to students.

Programming as it is can be a little difficult for student to understand. A study done in Michigan University revealed that most students would rather do a different course than programming, with difficulty in concept understanding being the main reason.

What if robotics was used as a way of introducing programming? This can be a good alternative method as it makes students more interested. The process of having to control a robot and identifying potential mistakes will enable students learn what a robot can do. It will also help simplify technology, enable learners know programming better and help them find the link between science, engineering and math subjects. 

3. Equips learners with essential skills for future employment

Just like other subjects, robotics would equip learners with vital skills required in the job market.
Programing robots will enable students discover whether they have aptitude and interest in working as programmers in the future. It will help discover their hidden skills that would not have been known could they not have been exposed to robotics.

4. Creative Thinking

Very few fields of knowledge invoke creative thinking from students. Studies have however revealed that robotics achieve exactly that. It enables students participate in activities which will trigger their minds to come up with unique ideas.

5. Teamwork

Robotics as a subject would incorporate a range of skills hence providing a learning environment for people with different talents and gifts. Robotics would promote a culture of teamwork and togetherness. It can also help students who might be struggling to learn in basic classroom setups

6. Perseverance

Coming up with programming bots can be very challenging, however, working through such difficulty will enable students toughen up and develop a never give up mentality. It is very important for not only educational purposes but also day to day life.

Robotics is gaining significant momentum in many schools across the world and it is a matter of time that we will soon see it introduced formally as a basic subject.

In conclusion, it is high time educators embraced robotics, a new ground in learning a variety of methodologies across the world.

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