IntelliJ Themes – Best IntelliJ IDE Themes

IntelliJ Themes – Best IntelliJ IDE Themes

Java is an object-oriented, class-based, and high-level programming language. It is known for its independent nature.

Java applications are compiled to bytecode that runs on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) irrespective of the computer architecture.

The coding and syntax of the language resemble C and C++, but it provides very few low-level facilities compared to them.

The language was released in 1995 at Sun Microsystems. It was also the most popular programming language in use according to GitHub in 2019.

There are various applications of Java. Java is used in developing mobile applications, gaming applications, big data applications, cloud-based applications, business applications, desktop applications, etc.

For such a programming language, IDE becomes very important. The main idea behind using an integrated development environment is to improve developer productivity.

IDEs standardizes the developing process, boost productivity through setup time reduction, and ultimately the speed of development is increased multi-fold.

What is an IDE?

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is software that can be used to build applications. IDE comprises common developer tools merged into a single graphical user interface (GUI). An IDE has:

  • Source Code Editor: It is a form of text editor in which developers can code. It includes features like – syntax highlights, visual cues, auto-completion functionality, and checking if there are any bugs or not.
  • Local Build Automation: Functions like compiling computer source code into binary code, packaging binary code, running automated tests are useful for developers and these simple repeatable tasks are required for creating a local build of the software.
  • Debugger: It highlights the place of a bug in the original code graphically.

Why IntelliJ?

  • Deep Intelligence: Once IntelliJ Idea indexes the source code, it provides intelligent experience: code analysis, instant code completion, and reliable refactoring tools.
  • Framework-specific assistance: IntelliJ Idea also provides assistance for a variety of other languages like – SQL, JPQL, JavaScript, etc.
  • Productivity boosters: The IDE automates time-consuming and repetitive tasks so that you focus on the big picture.
  • Developer ergonomics: The IDE takes good care of the developers. The design and implementation of the software are such that it eliminates or minimizes the risk of breaking the developer’s flow.

What are themes?

A theme is a predetermined package containing graphical appearance and functionality details. The basic use of the theme is to customize the look and feel of software or an operating system.

There have been many studies in the area of design and one of the conclusions of those studies is: Stress makes people less able to cope with difficulties and less flexible in solving the task at hand.

So, it has become imperative to design any editor or software for that matter more likable and positive. IntelliJ is the most popular IDE for Java developers and more developers are selecting it over others. Below are some of the best IntelliJ IDE Themes:

Tomorrow Theme:

The theme comes in various colors and the dark ones are popular among the developers. Dark colors are thought of as being easy on the eyes. The text is color-coded according to the syntax. This theme will certainly enhance your concentration and you will code better.

Solarized (Light and Dark):

The theme is developed by Ethan Schoonover. The theme contains sixteen color palettes (eight monotones, eight accent colors) and they are designed for use with GUI and Terminal applications. Some of the features of the theme are – Selective contrast, 16/5 palette modes, precision, and symmetry. You can switch backgrounds to suit your mood using dark and light modes.


This theme is actually a classic one and was first developed in the year 2006. For IntelliJ IDEA, the theme borrows from Sublime text editor. The colors used in the theme calm the developer while writing the code. The syntax is sensibly color-coded, it does not distract rather highlights the major pieces of the codes.


As a developer, you have to sit and code for long hours in front of the screen. The eyes become red, swollen, and you start to lose interest or focus. Zenburn will help you overcome it. The theme will help you focus on the task without creating strain on your eyes. The cool contrast theme is gaining traction and developers are opting for it.


It is a dark theme that is designed for programming. There are two versions available: Dracula and Dracula Pro. Any developer can contribute to this theme. The text is clear, the syntax is well-formatted, and the colors used are non-intrusive. These features make the theme more likable.


The theme is inspired by some of the themes like – badwolf, jellybeans, and solarized. It is designed as a bright theme with ‘retro groove’ colors. There is an option of switching between light/dark mode. You can personalize the theme based on various available options. The makes of the theme have made the colors distinguishable, contrasting, and pleasant for the eyes.

Material Theme:

This theme is new, fresh, and enhances your coding experience by its design. One of the unique features is that it is a borderless theme. There are various customization options available for you to play with. You can enable and disable anything as you wish. You can also change the colors, icons, and transparency of various fields.


Lucario is without a doubt the best minimalist theme for code editors. It has a retina-ready user interface and syntax highlighting. It is a lightweight, simple, and unobtrusive theme available in the market.


For a developer, themes are an integral part of the application development process. If you using an IDE and it is not equipped with a proper theme, the task at the hand might become difficult. Java is the most liked programming language in recent times and developers require a less stressful IDE to make an application.

So, writing code in an IDE that has customizable options for themes is one of the best assets available to a coder. IntelliJ IDEA is liked by many in the developer community and it provides various options for themes. Download now and load your favorite themes.

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