How much Bandwidth your website is using?

Websites are becoming the most effective means of marketing, communication, blogging, global updates, general knowledge, etc. In creating a website various tools and technologies are used. There are many companies/businesses which design, create, provide storage, provide hosting services, and maintain a website.

One of the integral parts of the complete process is web hosting. In order to host a website, you need to have a domain name. A domain name is the name of your webpage, for example, Now, to access your website it is needed to be hosted and stored on a server so that anybody can easily surf it using the internet. The websites are hosted on the servers. Check out best web hosting reviews UK.

Servers are nothing but the computers on which the details of your webpage are stored and anybody with an internet connection can surf your page. You just need to type the address of the webpage and the browser will deliver you the webpage. When you are looking for web hosting, you should check for the bandwidth allocation and cost incurred.

As the experts say, to know what the correct bandwidth for your webpage is, you have to be an artist. Check out more about the bandwidth speed test.

Bandwidth is nothing but the calculation of the upper limit of the data that can be transferred in a given time frame. It is calculated for the transfer of data between the website and the computer connected to the webpage. It is measured in bits per seconds. It affects the performance of your website. To determine the bandwidth of a webpage, we need to know:

  • Layout: The design of the layout will reveal the amount of bandwidth the webpage needs. If the layout is complex, bandwidth will be more.
  • Traffic: If the flow of traffic is more, then the required bandwidth is more. Websites with higher bandwidth can host a greater number of requests. Analysis of the traffic is vital for optimal website results.
  • Growth prospects: If you are planning to expand your business then the advice is to get a higher bandwidth package. This will serve the future endeavors of your company.

The calculation of the bandwidth is simply “Bandwidth = Average page views * Average page size * Average daily visitors * Number of days in the month”. This calculation is an approximate one, you can get as close to the real figure as possible. There are two factors to consider getting to the real side: the scope and Distribution.

The scope here means getting the sample size as big as possible and to identify the pattern in your analytics. The next thing is distribution; you might know the most visited page of your website. This page will certainly add to the average page size. So, you need to identify this page and add it to the calculation. To stand out in the game of the websites, you need great bandwidth hosting and page speed. If you work hard on these two aspects revenue will shoot up.

Importance of bandwidth calculation

  • It is very important to calculate the bandwidth when you are creating a product for the mass public. So, you have to understand the traffic and calculate the bandwidth required.
  • If you have selected an accurate bandwidth then more people can visit and enjoy the speedy surfing on your webpage.
  • The design of the website affects your bandwidth. When you are designing the webpage then keep it as simple as possible. Adding the large audio/video files will result in slow loading of the page and consumption of the bandwidth will be more.

Now that you know the calculation part and the importance of bandwidth, the next question is how to choose a web host?

Web hosting is a service provided by many companies. They allocate the space on the servers which are owned or leased by them. You can access the website from anywhere; the condition is you need to have a stable internet connection. You have to choose the service from several options like:

  • Shared hosting: In this type of hosting, several different websites are hosted on the same server. This hosting is cheap and the expense is reduced.
  • Dedicated hosting: Dedicated hosting means the server is leased by the consumer and it is not shared by any other party. It enables you with high performance and connectivity but the cost is more.
  • Collocated hosting: In this hosting, the consumer buys the server and enjoys all the benefits. One time investment is needed.

Some of the lies/myths regarding the web hosting service

  • You might have a low-budget at the start and opt for a cheap plan. Plan the whole deed and invest the amount to get good returns. Don’t go for cheap plans.
  • Some companies might offer an unlimited plan for your website. There is nothing unlimited. Eventually, you will be charged on the basis of consumption of the resources.
  • Analyze the plan offered by the domain registrar and then you can opt for it. Don’t go for easy.

If you want to reduce the bandwidth usage, you can redesign the website with CSS and clean code. This will reduce the web page size. You can try removing the heavy images, videos, and audios.


To launch a website, you need a certain number of things. One of the most important things to calculate is bandwidth. While the bandwidth calculation is an art, you can estimate it mathematically. While calculating, you need to consider the layout of the webpage, expected traffic of the website, and future growth prospects of the website.

If you are expecting a large flow of traffic, then select a large bandwidth. The design of the webpage directly affects the bandwidth of the page. Keep your design simple and elegant. Some of the important attributes required for the calculation are average daily visitors, average page size, average page views, etc. You can easily calculate the usage and if required modify the webpage.