Big data architects work with both structured and unstructured data so they require a wide range of skills to succeed in their growing career. Handling a huge amount of data gives many opportunities to various organizations to hire a person with particular skill sets to manage data.
Those who work to handle big data are known as big data architects. Their work is to handle data of all sizes and solve the problems related to big data analysis, managing Hadoop, and other data technology-related issues.
To manage this, you should have a vast knowledge of handling large data sets and should have the ability to provide data for business purpose to increase customer satisfaction. They will identify key performance indicators and product improvement for their business growth.
These architects should have various programming skills that will help them to identify and create relational database models. With the best problem-solving skills, Big Data Architects can easily understand technology and handle data problems.
But before, getting into skill set we should first discuss more information about big data.
What is Big Data Technology?
It is very important to store and analyze data as it can influence business decisions through the collection of big data. Here we have discussed the various responsibilities that should be obeyed by Big Data architect.
What are the Responsibilities of Big Data architect?
They are also capable to handle large database and model it in different structures. This will help them to create strong business decisions after monitoring the database. The big data architect should have the ability to collaborate and maintain the relationship with data vendors and partnership companies.
With all these responsibilities, it is necessary for them to have relevant skills. In this article, we are going to discuss various skills one should adopt in order to become a successful big data architect.
Skills required for big data architects
- The big data architect should have the ability to use different toolsets that will help them to solve and analyze different data-related issues. This will also help them to make strong business decisions and have perfect hands-on other visualization tools introduce in the future.
- Another skill set includes the ability to solve analytical problems with ease. To excel in the position of Big data architect, it is very important for you to become creative and resolve issues related to data analytics.
- Decision-making power also plays an important role in Big data architect career. The person should have strong decision making powers to possess the quality of architecting with the massive data.
- It is very important for Big data architect to have a knowledge of machine learning, pattern recognization, and handling the clustered data with text mining and other essential components.
- The person who opts for Big data architect as their career option, then she or he should have a keen interest in programming. The programming languages such as python, Hive, Spark, Kafka, CSS and HTML 5 are mainly used to create framework and software for data handling.
- If the person opting for this career has knowledge of cloud computing and have experience of working in various cloud environments then he or she should definitely excel in this career.
- Experience in data warehousing and mining is also essential for a candidate that applies for big data architect job.
- Native knowledge of latest technology and frameworks like Hadoop, Hive, Hbase, Flume, MapReduce, NoSQL and many more. It would also be necessary that the architect should know about agile and scum methodologies.
These above-mentioned skills will work best for Big data architects to grow their career. It is not necessary that you learn them at a whole, but you can learn them one by one with better understanding so that it may help them in future.
To learn them you just need to set an objective and keep learning and training about these skills to excel the Big data market. These are some common skills that are needed to become a Big data architect. Below we are going to discuss some selected skills that are needed by some employers.
Skills of big data architect that are needed by some employers
- The knowledge about data architectures is the first choice of employers while selecting their employees.
- They want a person they select should have the capability to handle and analyze big and extensive data.
- Hadoop is considered as a required skill by many employers to select the data architect for their company.
- Python, C#, and .Net are the important languages that one should acquire to get a professional job in Big data career.
- Employers want a Big data architect that have a knowledge of MongoDB, Oracle, NoSQL databases.
These are some common skills that are needed by employers while selecting Big Data Architect for their company.
Job requirements for Big data architects
Among the various job requirements for Big data architects, we have discussed some common job requirements for Big data architects below:
- A big data architect has to do designing and implementing data models to get a better understanding of data.
- It is required that Big data architects should have proper knowledge of big data technologies and software used in it.
- They should have the ability to work with different data and should have a vast variety of resources to manage data.
- Should have the knowledge of learning and describing opportunities that Big data can help to get more business.
From these skills, you should start your preparation to become a successful Big data architect.
The big data is known to be the best career option as per USA statistics of past years. The one who chooses Big data architect as their career option has more tendency to get more jobs in Future.
The one who needs to be a good Data Architect should have a proper knowledge of programming languages and skills to protect, manage, handle, design and integrate data. In this article, we have given you the best guide to on Big data architect career.
Of course, these skills will help you to find the best job. If you are a fresher in Big Data technology, then you should try your hands on different kinds of hardware platforms like mainframes, desktops and mobile devices. You should also have an in-depth knowledge of databases, data in storage and data modeling to structure data.
We hope that these skills will definitely help you with the overall development of your Big Data architect career. The data architect is overall responsible for the design and development of various architecture products for your data business.