To eat is a necessity but to eat intelligently is an art”

Food which is ingested through mouth gives good nourishment to several organs of our body and basically it makes hunger at bay. Good nourishment is required to maintain optimum health.

Your diet should provide optimum nutrition, if it does so then a person will remain healthier by physically and mentally. This diet becomes more essential when coming to overweight people’s nourishment, they should be nourished well by the same time they should not have more weight gain.

 In the weight management program there should be small frequent meals should be taken, no damping of food at one time, no crash diet, no starvation and last but not least avoid using supplements to lose your weight.

If there seems this much criteria, then you need a healthy packed food, which provides you good nourishment and that remains a healthier option for weight management and keeping you healthily. Then your mind first option t should come as chapatti, they aid in weight loss and keeping your system healthier, thereby making your body free from the occurrence of lifestyle disorders.

Regularly many people have chapatti in their diet more often, this is an ideal way to remain healthier and shed down those extra weights, when compared to the rice it has low glycemic index and much healthier option than white rice. So what you can do is include this chapatti or roti in your diet to lower your weight.



  • EASY TO DIGEST– The chapatti or roti are easily get’s digested in body, they can pass easily into intestines and thus digestion of the food, assimilation of food happens easily and better.
  • WHOLE GRAINS- Chapatti is made up of whole grains, these whole grains are rich source of fibre and they are good food for your digestive system, making it a healthier option. Chapatti is made from whole grain wheat flour that is nutritious too. Thus providing good nourishment to the body. Wheat flour also contains good amount of carbohydrate, fibre and protein. It gives good energy to body, enhance the circulation of blood and finally it has good satiety value, which gives fullness after consuming chapatti.
  • PREVENTS CONSTIPATION- Since chapatti is loaded with plenty of soluble fibre; it helps in preventing the occurrence of constipation. Good bowel movements are attained on chapatti eaters than non eaters of chapatti. Bajra chapatti or roti should not be taken, since they enhance dehydration.
  • LOW CALORIE FOOD- Without adding ghee as topping in chapatti, they remain the best food for aiding in weight loss. These chapatti or roti prepared by baked, so no frying is done, thereby making it low in fat level and thereby making it a perfect low calorie food.
  • HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS– Whole wheat flour are dense source of B vitamins namely vitamin-B1, vitamin B2, Vitamin B-3, Vitamin-B6 and Vitamin-B9. The other nutrients which are found in chapatti are iron, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Thereby making the whole wheat flour as a health packed food. Hereafter try to incorporate this chapatti in your diet regularly and stay healthier throughout.
  • REDUCES THE CANCER RISK-The particular nutrients present in chapatti like selenium, soluble fibre and vitamin-E helps in lowering the risk of cancer. Thus for this cause you should include daily chapatti or wheat roti in your diet without fail.
  • VATA AND PITTA CONTROL Chapatti have the power to keep your vaata and pitta in balance. Thus chapatti has a higher role in influencing the pitta and dosha levels in our body, thereby making it an essential food, say ayurvedic experts.
  • SKIN HEALTHIER Chapatti have the potential to keep your skin healthier, this is possible because of presence of zinc, potassium, phosphorous and other micro nutrients in it.
  • GOOD SOURCE OF IRON- Chapatti are good source of iron, to enhance the haemoglobin level in your body, you must consume chapatti daily in your diet without fail.

So these are the reasons for which you may need to take chapatti in your diet.


No doubt chapatti is nutritious and aid in weight loss, but if you want a good weight loss, then you can replace your roti with few modification. Little additional things has to be added to it, for making it more nutritious and helping in losing your weight faster, yes imagine you can lose up to 5kilogram of weight in 14 days period of time.


The following ingredients are required for preparing this weight loss chapati or roti, they are;

  • Sweet potato
  • Mint leaves
  • Salt
  • Green chillies
  • Whole wheat flour
  • Garlic
  • Carom seeds


Take 250 gram of sweet potato, boil them nicely. What you have to do is, peel the skin of sweet potato and mash it well. Then take a food processor, to it add whole wheat flour, mashed sweet potatoes, mint leaves, green chillies and few chopped ginger, then finally add ½ teaspoon of carom seeds and salt.

Blend well together then add sufficient water to prepare dough, then prepare round balls and now make chapatti out of this dough. Then put on hot tawa, cook it in an average level flame.

Now your diet chapatti or weight loss chapatti is ready to serve, you can have it plain or with any chutneys or with any raita of your choice.


There are lots of benefits are found on taking weight loss chapatti, let us see it here. The high fibre present in weight loss chapatti makes the person to control their appetite and it has a good satiety value, so quickly you may not get hungry. The calorie content is very low in it.

The basal metabolic rate is increased after consuming this weight loss chapatti; also the fat gets burned faster because of the presence of carom seeds. The cholesterol level on food is reduced by using green chillies in it.

Garlic present in this chapatti acts as a natural detoxifier, they help in throwing away those fats from body cells. Mint leaves have good refreshing effect and you know these mint leaves have less calorie content.

Thus weight loss chapatti is beneficial in aiding rapid weight loss and also it boost up the metabolism and keeps the cholesterol under control.

Finally you can reduce up to 5 kilogram of weight in 14 days, this can’t be possible on taking normal wheat chapatti, and so this kind of weight loss chapatti is essential and remains a key food in weight reduction.

Reduce your excess weight and shed down your excess fat by taking this weight loss chapatti in your diet without fail, the results are amazing just try it regularly and get in shape.

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