Ways to Deal With Lack of Macbook Storage

Ways to Deal With Lack of Macbook Storage

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People who make a switch from PCs to Macbooks find themselves in a situation of not fitting everything they want on the computer. The problem can get out of hand, especially if you are used to accessing files on the computer.

It is one of the biggest Macbook disadvantages. Nevertheless, you should be able to get used to it just like other users did. Moreover, there are ways to deal with the issue directly. 

Way #1 – Clear Scratch Disk

If you use software like Photoshop, do not be surprised to see available storage space shrinking. Photoshop creates a temporary workspace and stores files in it. The situation can become problematic if you are not careful.

MacPaw has an in-depth article about the matter and explains how to deal with the mac scratch disk in detail. 

Way #2 – Get Rid of Downloads and Email Attachments

Way #2 – Get Rid of Downloads and Email Attachments

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Email attachments and downloads can accumulate over time. The latter, especially when you do most of your communication and work using the Mail app. By default, each attachment you open is stored in the computer. 

A similar thing applies to downloads. You might have some forgotten files that are on the computer, taking valuable disk space. Look at both downloads and mail folders and delete the data you no longer need.

Way #3 – Delete Language Pack Files

Some apps have more than 50 languages. However, the majority of users are content with using the English version and have no reason to ever change the language of the software.

These language files are quite large, and if you have multiple applications like that, you will free up a lot of space by getting rid of the redundant language data.

Way #4 – Subscribe to Streaming Platforms

Way #4 – Subscribe to Streaming Platforms

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Streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify eliminate the need to keep media files on the computer. Movies, TV shows and music can take up the majority of your disk space.

Meanwhile, subscribing to streaming platforms means that you can access your entertainment with a few mouse clicks.  

Way #5 – Use Clouds

Cloud-based services, such as iCloud and Dropbox, are free and will provide you with few gigabytes of storage. There is also an option to upgrade the plan if you want.

The data is in a safe place and is accessible from different devices so long as you have an internet connection. 

Way #6 – Borrow or Purchase External Storage Devices

Similar to clouds, external storage devices like USB memory sticks, hard drives, memory cards, and even DVDs are a good option to create more drive space on the Macbook. 

You will need to spend some money, but even if the device is second-hand, it can still do a good job. As an alternative, you can also look for someone who can borrow one. Perhaps there is a family member or a friend who has a memory stick, and they are not using it.

Way #7 – Check for Malware

Way #7 – Check for Malware

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Having a reliable anti-malware tool is one of the most common pieces of advice when it comes to Macbooks. However, you may also encounter articles about how the macOS is not prone to malware and viruses.

The reality is quite different. Given how many types of cybersecurity threats there are, and how frequently new ones come out, it is extra important to have anti-virus software. It should be running in the background to detect and delete potential threats immediately after discovering them.

If you notice that the storage space is shrinking without downloading new files, it is possible that a virus is eating the space. Scan the system and remove any viruses or malware if the anti-virus finds it.

Way #8 – Delete Old Apps

Old applications are something you can delete and install in case you need to use them. Therefore, keeping them around makes little sense. 

Look at the list of installed applications and think about which ones you have not used for a while. Remove them. In case a day comes when you need the app again, finding and downloading it once more should not be an issue.

Way #9 – Remove Junk Files

Temporary junk files like caches, backups, extensions, and plugins might not take the biggest amount of drive space, but deleting them regularly should be part of your maintenance routine.

The junk is not something you can view immediately. You will have to tinker with the settings first. And even then, removing these files manually is a bit risky since there is a chance you might remove a crucial part of the system. Thus, be sure to create backups before you start deleting junk files.

Way #10 – Empty the Trash Bin

It may sound a bit unusual, but not everyone remembers to empty the trash bin app when they put a file there. Not clicking on the “empty” button means that the file is still on the computer, and it changed its location. 

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