Success is one thing that most persons want to have in their lives.
One key area that seems primary (and maybe it is) that people want to have success in is in their finance.
And you can’t fault that choice after all, money rules the world and even those who have it still want more or at least, want some security for what they have (it sucks to have to say that you once had money).
This is why investments are a big deal. You can make money and even more money from it while it will also serve as a means to secure your wealth or finances. One smart way that many people build their wealth is by having an investments portfolio.
What Is A Portfolio?
This is primarily a collection of investments in all things finance like cash, bonds and stocks. Note that at its core, financial investments are not all that having a portfolio is all about as it can also include real estate and even private investments. However, many people only think of stocks and financial investments whenever they hear of portfolios.
Types of Portfolios
Aggressive Portfolio
This is the type of investment where one goes for the high risk investments or a stock that is a literal case of going for broke. One of the ways this is done is by seeking out upcoming companies or start-ups that have potential but are not yet established.
Of course you know that as the economists will tell us, the higher the risk the higher the reward so, in this instance where the risks are high the results, if in your favor will be huge. Needless to say, not everyone goes for this though some people may.
Defensive Portfolios
As can be determined from the name, it is the very opposite of aggressive portfolios. It is a more cautious type of investment and usually will always do well irrespective of the economic situation of the time. Even in times when the company being invested in suffers a loss, they still pay dividends.
Income Portfolios
Here, the focus is on making profits from dividends as that is where the focus of the investments is. It could also include other distributions made to stakeholders. It is sometimes quite similar to defensive portfolios however; the primary difference here is that the reason for selection of these stocks is primarily for high returns as they are on the lookout for it.
The Speculative Portfolios
Well, this one is more like gambling as it is way riskier than any of the other forms of portfolio investments. Unlike in aggressive portfolios there usually is a start-up company or an already existing endeavor that there is reason to believe may be successful, everything here is speculative and not definite. Examples of this include, taking a chance from rumors that a company will go public or acting in the belief that there would be a takeover of a company etc.
Hybrid Portfolios
This type of investment involves investing in other areas outside of the stock market and financial investments. It involves delving into real estate, art and other private investments. It can also be a combination of both investments in stocks and in these other areas. You can find out more on this here.
Motley Fool’s Stock Portfolio
Now, if you are one of those who are already into stock trading, the above breakdown is probably something that you already know about and as such, isn’t news. What you might have been wondering about (though some of you may already know about it) is what Motley Fool stock portfolio is all about.
Basically, it is a highly sort after investing service programme which helps individuals to build their own stock portfolios. It is very legitimate and has been quite successful and this is why it has gathered quite the following (over 5 million subscribers to be precise).
The idea behind programmes like this is that it helps people to learn from the masters in the field of stock trading and investments, how they handle their thing and of course try to follow in their footsteps. This is the aim for every programme like this. And because the urge for financial success is quite huge, a lot of people go for them.
The downside to it is that sometimes, some of these so called gurus might not be it at all. Therefore, it is important to be careful when subscribing to these programs to ensure that you are not dealing with criminals. You can find out more at https://www.encyclopedia.com/.
Everlasting Portfolio
This is something that anyone who knows about Motley Fool will have heard of. Here, you get access to the investment experts portfolio and see how the individual goes about setting or building up the personal portfolio. And since they are the experts, they usually make profit and you will too when you follow them.
Again, you learn. One thing better than copying whatever a successful person is doing is learning how the person is doing it. Here, you can learn financial investments and become very good at it for yourself. And as an added advantage, you will get an alert on trending updates on what the gurus are doing and why it is being done and financial happenings in the stock market.
Also, upon signing up for the everlasting portfolio service, you get 15 stock recommendations selected from one of the founder’s own highly performing portfolio. With these, you can build your own portfolio. Simply put, the programme sets you up to have good success as an investor.
There are various areas of life that are lucrative; where an individual can be successful in and become quite well to do. However, many people do not have the right connections or skill set to participate in that area of life.
Programmes like this are set up to help and encourage individuals to not just dabble into financial trading, but to thrive in it. And by following a master, you too can become one.