Reasons Why Your AC Keeps Tripping and When To Call An AC Expert

Reasons Why Your AC Keeps Tripping and When To Call An AC Expert

 A circuit breaker is a safety tool that cuts electricity to a device if it consumes too much power. If the air conditioner keeps tripping the circuit breaker, it is best to call an expert from a 24 hour AC repair service to get it checked.

The global air conditioning market was valued at $106.6 billion in 2020. Several premium quality AC repair businesses are available today, and most of them can send a technician to your house in as little as an hour, provided you live within their coverage radius.

However, before you call the professional, you must know why it keeps happening, so that you can take measures to prevent it from happening another time.

Reasons Why Your AC Keeps Tripping and When to Call an AC Expert

Dust accumulation in Filters

Air conditioners come fitted with filters responsible for keeping dust and debris from entering the unit. Over time though, dust may start accumulating in the filter, causing the blower to work extra hard to circulate the air through a blocked air filter. 

In such cases, the air conditioner may pull in more power from the circuit to do its job, causing the trip. If you have any concerns regarding your AC unit, it may be worth searching online for ‘AC company near me‘ and reading through the most highly rated reviews before hiring a company to clean your air filter at least once a month. They will have the proper tools, as well as skills, to disassemble your unit and clean it without causing further damage. 

Dirty Outside Unit

Air conditioners are appliances that cool a room by moving heat. The inside unit of the air conditioner absorbs heat, while the outer unit is responsible for getting rid of heat. If the external area is full of dirt, the machine needs to work harder to disperse the heat. But, again, the action will draw more power than usual, causing the breaker to trip. 

A Shorted Motor

A ‘short’ is an issue in which electricity bypasses its typical path and takes a shortcut. The action causes more electricity to pass, which typically the wires cannot handle and can get overheated and melt.

The design of electric motors ensures they can run efficiently for extended periods. But they can get hot, and running the electric motor in such a condition can cause the wire to break down and result in the ‘short’ situation explained above. Ensure you call an expert from the 24 hour AC repair service to look at the tripping issue before it escalates into an electric fire. 

Compressor Issue

A compressor is the central unit of the air conditioner. Your air conditioner will start experiencing a ‘hard-start’ when the compressor has trouble starting and pulls in more power to complete the task.

A malfunctioned electrical wire hitting the side of the compressor can cause a ‘grounded compressor’ issue, which may lead to a sudden electric surge that trips your breaker.

An air conditioning expert can install a hard-start kit or replace the compressor to resolve the tripping issue.

Prolong Your AC’s Lifespan – Call an Expert Today

An air conditioner is an investment that requires regular servicing and maintenance. Without proper care, you will run into issues like the device tripping the circuit breaker.

Reasons for the tripping issue could vary from the dirty filter and outside unit, compressor issues, worn-out parts, or even faulty wiring. Save yourself from hassle, contact an expert from the 24 hour AC repair service to inspect your unit, identify any issues, and take the necessary steps to fix them before they result in serious damage.

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