What a perfect app install ad looks like

Mobile apps are generating revenue more than ever. In fact, mobile apps are forecasted to generate estimated revenue of around 189 billion US dollars by 2020. Numbers such as these often fool developers into thinking their task ends once the app is put up in the apps stores.

Unfortunately, that is not the case – thousands of apps like yours or similar to yours exist in the app stores. A paid mobile app marketing plan is necessary to cut through the clutter, the importance clearly discussed in this eMarketer article. No need to reinvent the wheel, we say!

You need to run mobile app marketing campaigns that include app install ads, this is clear. But what does a perfect app install look like?

Let’s break down an app install ad into its components and find out!

What a perfect app install ad looks like


Marketers have long known the power of visuals in any advertisement. A well thought, powerful image in your app install campaign will captivate your audience.  And capturing the attention of your audience is the first step toward encouraging them to download your app.

If your mobile app marketing strategy is devoid of powerful imagery, your chances of grabbing valuable attention or standing out from the crowd will be greatly reduced.


You have the perfect image, great! Now you need to find the words to compliment it. Enter copywriting.

When creating content for advertisements, it is worthwhile to remember that a natural tone is the way to go. Sound too salesy or spammy, and you risk losing the attention you just snagged. Sound too irrelevant and people will never develop the curiosity to find out what your app offers.

Your visual grabbed the attention of the audience. How do you intend to carry things forward and pique their interest?

Through great copy, of course!

Create the desire

There is no scarcity of apps in the app stores. The user knows this. Why should they download your app? The next step in mobile app marketing is to give your audience an incentive to install the app. How is your app install ad going to create the desire to download it? Remember, piquing curiosity is not going to be always sufficient.

You need to reinforce this curiosity with the desire to have your app.

Helpful tip: struggling to with app install ads? Mobile app marketing services are great if you don’t have the expertise. Hire a mobile app marketing agency to do all the tough work for you.

Calls to action

Your lead is ready; you just need to give the final nudge. This step is the culmination of all your previous efforts. How will you strike?

Mobile app marketing agencies do it through calls to action all the time; rightly so too because it tells the audience what to do next.  A couple of examples are: Shop now, Learn more, Connect, etc.

This is how we break down perfect app install ad campaigns, and it works for us each time. How do you do it?

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