How Long Can You Wait before Reporting a Houston Car Accident?

A car accident can be a traumatic experience. The shock of the impact and the realization of the potential dangers can make one feel paralyzed and scared. And that reaction is perfectly normal, even a few days after the incident. But, if you want to get compensation for the physical and emotional turmoil you’ve been through, then you need to pick yourself up quickly and file a report.

How Long Can You Wait before Reporting a Houston Car Accident?

Can I File a Report Even If the Accident Wasn’t Very Bad?

Whether you or a loved one was involved in a car accident, this type of event can take a toll on one’s well-being, regardless of its severity. Beyond the physical pain, dealing with the emotional strain of the experience and the financial and health outcomes can be overwhelming.

So, the answer to the question is yes, you can file a report even if the accident was minor.

Here’s the thing: if you are looking to get compensation for all that you have suffered from the responsible party, you are more than entitled to do so. Regardless of the severity of the impact, a car accident can be a traumatic experience that can lead to short-term and long-term problems. It’s usually more than meets the eye and it can quickly turn into a memory that makes you feel nauseous.

Therefore, before anything else, one of the first things you should do in case of a car accident should be to file a car accident report. Go to the hospital and make sure that you didn’t suffer any severe injuries. Get some medical investigation even if you think that you are alright and you came out of the crash unhurt. It’s easy to overlook pains and symptoms because of the adrenaline rush people get during a car wreck.

Then, after you’ve taken care of your health, make sure to file a report with the Houston Police. Here’s how to do it.

When Should You Report Your Car Accident in Houston?

Dial 911 right away – this is by far the best option. Not only you make sure that the accident is registered in time, but you can ensure a health check-up for yourself and those involved. Moreover, with this approach, you ensure that no evidence is missed and that the police report will cover all the necessary aspects of the incident.

An officer will arrive, take statements from all the parties involved in the crash and listen to every input. You can then follow through with reporting and damage procedures based on the accident report created by the police officer.

In case you get a bit confused after the accident, which is perfectly reasonable, and you don’t know where to start, follow these step by step instructions prepared by the police to guide you.

What If I Didn’t File a Report on the Spot?

If you were the victim of a car accident in Houston and didn’t file a report within ten days, then you are obliged by the law to complete and submit a Driver Crash Report or Blue Form. Keep in mind that to qualify for this particular situation, the accident should have resulted in physical injury or death or property damage of at least $1000.

Another important aspect that you mustn’t neglect is that you will have to file a report with your insurance company within a specified period. Make sure you check your insurer’s policies so that you can accommodate the deadlines.

Over to You

One of the best things you could do for yourself under these circumstances is to contact a Houston car accident lawyer and request a copy of your report. You should get a clear picture of where you stand and what are your realistic chances of getting a compensation for both the financial and emotional turmoil of the experience. Quite often, the law might include mentions that could work in your favor, so make sure you talk with an expert who can help you handle this.

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