E-mail marketing can be done by various online entrepreneurs to improve relationship with their prospects and also with the current customer base. The main idea and purpose of e-mail marketing is to attract and get new customers and also convince them to purchase exactly your services and products.
Marketing itself has gone through a very long way as compared to how it is described in books. Today technology grows very fast by leaps and in contemporary society e-mail marketing became one of the most useful and popular strategies for product marketing.
The greatest advantage of e-mail marketing is that there is no need to hire a design professional to crate great-looking campaigns. Today you can find a very wide range of e-mail marketing providers who offer a special pre-designed template that you as an entrepreneur can choose from. This fact makes e-mail marketing very convenient for everyone. So here are some tips of better and more effective usage of e-mail marketing:
1. Critical thinking.
It is a great ability in any part of our life but E-mail marketing has to involve it before writing anything. Start from noting down main points or purposes of the e-mail. First of all, make a decision of what is most important information you want to present and lead with that. Try to include that information in the first paragraph if possible.
2. Preview pane.
In a recent study done by ICM Consulting stated that almost 70% of all e-mail marketing recipients if having a possibility to read the e-mail through a preview pane do that. It means that subscribers usually see only a small portion of your e-mail marketing material even before they decide whether to open it or not to look at it entirety.
3. Informative subject line.
“Foretell” the main message of an e-mail by writing a something in the subject line to announce what you are writing and what about.
4. State the point quickly and clearly.
Most people only scan the document in their mail box so try to get to the main point very quickly. The whole e-mail marketing material has to be only a few seconds to capture the reader’s attention. If it takes longer than you may lose them.
5. Profile photo.
There are thousands of companies who failed because of the photos that were not coherent with the message in e-mail. If you include photos to your internet campaign it can make it much more attractive to the reader and so help your message to communicate.
6. Action prospects.
Do not try to tangle your readers with useless information they have to understand the main idea from the very beginning. You need to get across the desired for you action absolutely clear, bold and early in your message. Your goal is to get the readers to perform some action: visit your website, buy something, get additional information, etc.
7. Make it simple.
Main rule here – less is more. Recent studies proved that e-mails that are absolutely uncluttered visually and have a clear to readers message receive much higher response rate.