How To Start Your First Email Drip Campaign With

An email drip campaign is a sequence of emails that are sent in a particular order when triggered by a user. The goal is to attract potential subscribers and finally push them to conversion. This method is also called email drip marketing, automated email campaigns, and lifecycle emails. One of the firms leading in the industry of drip marketing is

Want to know how to start your first email drip campaigns with The platform is really handy and you don’t have to do much to send drip emails. You can either read this article till the end or watch their demo on Youtube and build campaigns like a pro!

The first step you’ve got to take is to sign up or log in if you already have an account. will take you to the homepage which contains all the relevant information on the campaign. Setting up drip campaigns on is simple and once you log in, the website guides you all the way.

Let’s go deep and see which steps you need to take to start your first email drip campaign with

  • After logging in, click the Email Drip Campaigns
  • A new page downloads and you see three options on the screen. They are – New drip campaign, Templates, and Schedules.

How To Start Your First Email Drip Campaign With

The New drip campaign button will lead you to the email campaign builder where you can compose your own email sequence with lots of options and features. We’ll talk about it a bit later in detail.

The Template option contains email templates used in sales, marketing, and a few other types. You can also create a new template to your liking and save them to use in the future. Also, there are four templates for email drip campaigns. You can build your own campaigns and save them too.

Create a schedule with the help of the Schedule option. There, you can select the time zone, days, and time, save it for later and choose the necessary schedule when building a campaign.

  • Click the New drip campaign In the campaign creation window, on the left side, you can add a campaign name; choose the schedule, and various other relevant details. The next step is to add an email account or a new SMTP account.

Click the New drip campaign

  • Now comes the most important part, creating the steps of the campaign. The first step is always Start in any campaign and it is set by default. Click the element and on the right side menu, choose the list of people to send emails to. Note that you can not send one campaign to more than one list of recipients.

After selecting the list of the people, you need to compose an email sequence with four elements – Email, Trigger, Delay, and Goal.

  • Email: This is the actual part to focus on the entire campaign. After clicking this element, you will see a window to create the message. You can add system or custom variables, attach trackable links, compose personalized subject lines, upload files, etc.
  • Trigger: Trigger determines the next step in the flow. When the recipient performs a certain action you have set as a trigger, the next step is executed.
  • Delay: Delay is used to give space between follow-ups. You can define the delay and include it in the campaign. As a rule, it is set between a trigger and the next email; or between two emails if you do not add the Trigger element.
  • Goal: Set the goal and keep a track of it. So you will always know how many people have reached the goals you’ve set.
  • Connect all the elements one by one to compose an email sequence and make the flow work.

The last and final step

  • The last and final step is to start the campaign with a single click. If everything is error-free, the campaign will activate within minutes. You can always change or edit campaign settings. Just pause the campaign, add changes, and re-launch the campaign.

Sending drip emails has never been easier especially when you have the right tool. Drip campaigns are an excellent way to gain consistent growth and the process is automated, less time-consuming, and demanding. Email drip campaigns can help you with nurturing leads, welcoming the new entrants, recommendations, engagement, and cope with various potential problems in traditional marketing.

A few bits of advice to draw the line:

  • A drip campaign is about breaking the subscribers into smaller sub-sections depending on the buyer persona you create. This way your outreach will be far more targeted.
  • After identifying the potential targets, the message content matters. Everybody wants to attract the customer but a few are able to do so. When you are writing the message, be short, clear, actionable, and attractive. These are the three golden rules.
  • The workflow of the campaign should be clear and everything should be aligned according to it.

Good luck to your email campaign building and have the best results!

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