Top 7 Best Sites to download free eBooks {Latest}

Top 7 Best Sites to download free eBooks

You must have heard the phrase “Books are man’s best friend”. Reading is beneficial for all of us. We can get a lot of information from reading a variety of books. Now, technology has changed the way we read books. Technology has made reading simpler, more accessible, and convenient.

We are slowly drifting away from the traditional paperback towards the digital eBook. And with this drifting, we are saving thousands and millions of trees. The thing with the eBook is that it can be read on a laptop, on a mobile device, or on specially designed devices (Kindle).

The reason people are interested in eBooks is because of low prices (often free), a massive increase in comfort, and a wide range of titles. So, the next thing is to download some eBooks and start reading the stories. There are thousands of free eBooks available in the market and you can have access to all of them.

Below are some of the best sites from which you can download free eBooks.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is popular for old literary works. The eBooks were published before the 1930s and it is a library of around 60000 free eBooks. You can choose to read the content online or download the eBook. The searching methodology on the website is quite good. You can browse the content by genre, age group, and topic. You do not require any special application or device to read the material; just the regular web browser would do the job.

Project Gutenberg

Google eBookstore

If you are using an android smartphone then this is a gold mine for you. Google eBookstore has millions of books at its disposal. You just have to navigate to the free eBooks section and select the book you want to read. You can also listen to the audiobook if you wish to. You will have access to the reviews from the fellow readers, publisher information, page count, features, and some additional information.

Google eBookstore

Open Library

As the name suggests the goal of the website is to make all the published works of humankind available to everybody. In addition to the common features of all the eBook websites, it has a community of people contributing and editing the work.

The advanced search option can be used to search the book according to title, author, ISBN, Subject, place, person, and publisher. Anyone can volunteer for the community work and contact them for additional information. You just have to create an account and start reading.

Open Library

Amazon Free Kindle Books

There is a book for every reader on Amazon Kindle. For all the Kindle users, Amazon features a free library section that offers free eBooks to read and download. You can pick your favorite author, title, publisher, and genre among thousands of options. Also, there are reviews and comments from critics and readers which play an important role in selection. The website is excellently designed and it is very easy to navigate from one page to another.

Amazon Free Kindle Books

Internet Archive

The internet archive offers around 20 million free eBooks and text materials. There is also a feature of borrowing a book from the platform; you have to create an account first. The content is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch, French, etc. The Internet Archive is a not for profit organization and you will find centuries-old eBooks here. You can upload, share, and donate the books on the platform.

Internet Archive


ManyBooks is a simple platform with aesthetic design. You can browse the books by genre on the discover tab. They have about 50000 free eBooks available for reading and a strong community of 150000 readers associated with them. You can subscribe to their mail newsletter which directly mails you the bestselling eBooks.



BookBoon is a massive platform for online reading and online courses. The theme of the website is to empower the students and professionals through their eBooks and courses. You can try a free trial of 30 days to get to know the website. The eBooks are reviewed by experts and professionals from different universities. The platform is easy-to-use and you can read anywhere, anytime.



Some people say that the habit of reading is one of the best things a person can develop. Reading helps you to reduce stress, to relax, to build confidence, and puts you in a better mood. These were some of the popular eBooks platforms for reading online or downloading an eBook.

You can browse through the websites and select the book and start reading. One last advice, look out for the features available on the platform and use them as much as you can. The features will guide you towards your eBook. It is never too late to start reading.

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